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Students of the UCN Central Campus perform activities to promote the use of the English language through Nicaraguan culture.

Students of the UCN Central Campus perform activities to promote the use of the English language through Nicaraguan culture.


This event held on February 7th at Güegüense Lecture Hall, UCN Central Campus was an event where students expressed music – culture and tradition from some Nicaragua departments, through oral presentations and traditional dances, inviting us to travel around our country and enjoy its delicacies and sweetness.

The aim of this activity was to promote the use of the English language through Nicaraguan culture and to make our guests know the beauty of our typical culture, tradition, and musical expression to awake in them the interest of living our idiosyncrasy.

Nicaraguan Departments presented Matagalpa, Chontales, Masaya, Rivas, León and Caribbean Coast (RACCS – RACCN) with its Dances, Music, Food, Drinks, Desserts, Geographical Position, and Municipalities.